WGBH’s Greater Boston, “Democrats & Republicans Turn On Their Own,” December 6, 2017
Within the last 24 hours, Washington has seen members of both parties start to turn on their own. At least two dozen Democratic senators are calling for Al Franken to resign, with a sixth sexual misconduct allegation against the Minnesota Senator.
On the other side of the aisle, former White House strategist Steve Bannon took on former presidential candidate Mitt Romney for his criticism of Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore. In a tweet Monday, Romney stated “Roy Moore in the US Senate would be a stain on the GOP and on the nation … No vote, no majority is worth losing our honor, our integrity.” Bannon responded to that Tuesday night in a fiery speech at a Roy Moore rally, declaring to Romney, “Judge Roy Moore has more honor and integrity in his pinky finger than your entire family.”
Jim Braude was joined by Jessica Tocco, a senior vice president of government relations at Rasky Partners; Todd Domke, a political analyst and former Republican; and state Senator Barbara L’Italien, a Democrat from Andover.
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