From CarolJoynt.com “Hanging Out With Vice President Joe Biden” February 27, 2014
From CarolJoynt.com “Hanging Out With Vice President Joe Biden” February 27, 2014
By Carol Joynt
We weren’t exactly “hanging out” but Vice President Joe Biden and I (and a few hundred others) were at the same party. Since I always have my camera at parties (private or public) I got near to try to get a photo of him with my friend Dale Leibach, who was the party’s co-host. Biden saw me, stopped what he was doing, reached out, took my camera, handed it to a staffer and then posed with me. Nice of him. My son was impressed. I ran it through percolator.
I love playing with photo apps.
The party was to celebrate the merger of Dale’s DC-based public affairs company, Prism, with the Boston-based Rasky Baerlein. Some former key Biden staffers are at Rasky Baerlein. The party was at Central on Pennsylvania Avenue. They took over the whole restaurant. So, good food and drinks.
In the March issue of Washingtonian, the monthly Behind The Scenes feature I write takes readers inside the gorgeous ceremonial office of the Vice President at the EEOB. Check it out.
Here’s Dale with Biden and later Ed Markey. Both elected officials stayed for a while.
To see the pictures and read this piece on CarolJoynt.com, please click here.