Building codes, energy codes, fire codes and electrical codes ensure the safety of buildings across the country. How those codes treat specific products can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line or a significant impact on the safety or use of a building. Our team helps manufacturers and advocacy and trade organizations navigate the process of positioning themselves with key stakeholders in order to make sure their voices are heard during the code development and code adoption process.
Strategic Management and Message Development
The best strategy is only as effective as its management and its message. We work closely with clients to develop the right message and to strategically manage all aspects of a regulatory campaign to make sure deadlines are being met and targets are being hit.
Legislative Lobbying
We have experience managing national lobbying efforts in state capitals across the country. We can provide our clients with up to the minute political intelligence and can directly engage to protect our client’s interests.
Regulatory Advocacy
Whether it is a State Fire Marshal, a building code official or an energy regulator, we know how to develop the right strategy and implement it to ensure that our client’s story is being told and considered on its merits.
Coalition Building
There’s strength in numbers. To multiply the voices delivering a unified message, we help clients build, educate, and mobilize coalitions and grassroots ally networks through traditional outreach and the creative use of digital platforms.
Digital Advocacy/Grassroots Campaigns
We strategically leverage digital platforms to support advocacy campaigns. The array of digital tools is endless. Our clients don’t need everything. They need what gets results.
Influencer Outreach
There are numerous organizations and groups that play outsized roles in influencing code development. We help to identify these key organizations and groups and then develop the right strategies aimed at educating them on our client’s proposals. This proactive outreach and the identification of possible allies are vitally important to the success of controversial proposals.
Legislative and Regulatory Tracking
We have extensive experience tracking legislation and regulations in all fifty state capitals including covering legislative hearings, tracking issues and gathering political intelligence.