NO on Question 1: 2006
In 2006, our firm served as the ballot campaign manager for the NO on 1 Committee, and defeated a statewide ballot question that would have expanded the sale of wine at grocery stores. The NO on 1 Committee was outspent by $2 million and had to overcome a 54% lead in March 2006 by the YES campaign.
Our Work
We devised and executed a multi-faceted, integrated communications campaign that consisted of a large scale grassroots effort and an extensive state-wide earned and paid media strategy that leveraged print, online and broadcast coverage. Our campaign also included a range of public affairs efforts, including an expansive field operation and Get Out The Vote (GOTV) program.
Our extensive grassroots campaign targeted numerous public safety officials including the State Police Association of Massachusetts, Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs from communities throughout the state. We also gained the support of key state and local elected officials, public health organizations and well regarded opinion leaders. These groups and individuals were utilized to write letters to the editor, attend public events and in some cases be part of the paid media. In addition we organized and mobilized the owners of liquor stores who would have been heavily impacted by a YES vote.
In May 2006, a Suffolk University poll found 61% of registered Massachusetts voters in favor of Question 1. When the polls closed on Election Day, Massachusetts voters decided against Question 1, 56% to 44%. Political observers called the NO on 1 victory one of the most stunning upsets in the history of Massachusetts politics.